Friday, January 29, 2016

The rise of Trump the Trumpeter

The rise of Trump stems from something much deeper than mere petty politics. He is the hopes the aspirations the dreams of a once strong America that have somehow slipped away from a people that has been betrayed, lied to and basically ignored for the most part. Ever since the end of the Reagan presidency. That over time has reached almost Camelot status in the hearts of conservatives and yes the similarities between Reagan and Trump takes one back, they were both celebrities before they ever got into politics. Reagan was a actor, Trump had his own reality show. The Republican establishment hated both of them with a passion. Both was Democrats before seeing the light. And ironically with Ronald and Donald only one letter separates their first names R&D which could mean they have both been Republican & Democrat if you believe in divine symbolism, and did I mention that they was both Presbyterians and a interesting side note, it was the Presbyterian doctrine that the American form of government was based on by our founding fathers which 18 of was also Presbyterians. Reagan has been referred to as the great uniter bringing crossover Democrats referred to as Reagan Democrats and independence along to make the biggest landslide in modern US politics. Remember Reagan only lost one state and as for the great uniter part, how uncanny is it that if you break down the name Trump you can spell (Trumps Rising Unites Many People) just saying. They both also skipped the Iowa debate and history has tied both of them to a statement about a wall Reagans famous words "Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall" referring to the Berlin Wall that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. And then Trumps famous line "I will build a wall a Great Wall and Mexico will pay for it" something that most conservatives feel is long past due. If you believe in predestination Trump definitely fits the bill, if you research the name Trump and its meaning you will be quite shocked the interpretations range from great leader, king, ruler of the world. His family crest is adorned with a Eagles wing on top of it his grandmother was born a Christ the Christ family was one of the oldest and most influential families in Europe royal blood as for the Trump lineage, Trump can be traced all the way back to the Normans all the way back to Genesis in the Bible Normans was the tribe of Benjamin which will take a army of 12,000 to fight alongside 144,000 warriors of Christ on Mount Zion. The deeper I dive into this the more I realized I was looking at God's hand on events. Trump made the statement "I could go out on 5th Avenue and shoot someone and my poll numbers would still go up" I feel he is right he can do no wrong. He knows that, I know that and soon everyone will. I think Trump has figured out his predestiny, he can say or do anything he wants because God has already said it will happen and there is no changing destiny. Trump will be our next president, what is the ramifications of that? The love of my life and I have studied the words of the Bible and have done tons of research and have a totally different interpretation of what this entails. I guess time will tell if she is right or I but we both agree that trump is predestined to become our next president. then and only then will we find where that takes us!