Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why America has became a petri dish that breeds mass murder

At the risk of being close to quoting Jeremiah Wright America's liberal chickens have came home to roost, the same political and cultural correctness that makes racial profiling in airports and by police agencies illegal even in the face of 90 percent of terrorist being from the Middle East forget the guy in a turban with the box cutters grab the little girl with a teddy bear it might blow up, has now give us a generation of mentally unstable and emotionally volatile young Americans that once would have been put away in a insane asylums for example America institutionalized more people in 1870 than they do now, modern society overmedicated by both prescription and street drugs and send them out into the world to wreak havoc, and who sets and nurtures there moral compass? Usually not a stable family environment where in most cases they are being raised by a single parent and we have terms like latch key kids note the values that could be instilled by a deep rooted faith in God those same liberals have undermined and made a mockery of faith taking not only prayer but any mention of God out of school, so who are what is left to mold young impressionable minds? Ah yes the mind numbing violence coming from liberal Hollywood blockbuster after blockbuster of blood and gore and if that's not enough hacking chopping and dicing of every body part imaginable there's that always available babysitter called the video game which is more than ready to dish up you guessed it more blood gore and dismemberment any kid that wasn't already a sociopath is well on his way now, with no authority or God to fear in this world or the next, reality has became their own personal video game they simply beat the game on their own terms and flip the off switch by pointing a gun at their own head and pulling the trigger game over, and then after the dust settles there's nothing left but bullet riddled bodies in puddles of blood, and we will regrettably learn more names like Seung-Hui Cho, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, James Holmes, Adam Lanza that's when the Liberals like jackals after the Lions kill pops up pointing their fingers at the guns saying there's the problem that's what did it they don't remind you that's the worst school massacre in US history ever had nothing to do with Guns it was 1927 in Bath Michigan the perpetrator Andrew Kehoe killed 45 38 of which was kids between the ages of 3 & 6 by elaboratly wiring bombs in the school 58 more was injured hundreds more would have been killed but a five hundred pound explosive was Miss wired under the school building take away guns perpetrators will get more elaborate much like the Oklahoma Murrah Federal Building bombing Timothy McVeigh simply use a truckload of fertilizer to bring down the entire building the carnage was horrendous and again no guns the youth of today has a unparallel access to the Internet with unlimited designs and descriptions on how to build a bomb using in most cases simple household chemicals the issue is not guns it is society, but the Liberals did not even give a shocked nation time to catch its collective breath, liberals have a agenda it has nothing to do with protecting people it has everything to do with disarming them Wake Up America!