After the senseless murders that took place in a historic black church in South Carolina Mitt Romney has took it on himself out of stupidity for lack of better reasoning is calling for the Confederate stars and bars to be took down, that proudly flies over the South Carolina State Capitol. what Mitt Romney needs more than anything before showing his ignorance on social media is a history lesson. The Stars and Bars is not a symbol of racism but a symbol of defiance, does he not know that the first slave owner in America was a black man? Check attached pictures, does he not know that New Orleans although 63% black proudly displays a plaque contributed to Robert E Lee the Confederacy's greatest general? does he not know many black soldiers proudly served in the Confederacy and fought and died for that flag? Does he not know that still today many southern blacks proudly display the Confederate flag as a part of their heritage? This is not a black white issue this is a North and South issue, us Sons & Daughters of the Confederacy both black and white has that flag as a part of our heritage denying it would be like cutting off an arm or a leg it is part of us many a bloodstained body both black and white fell defending that flag and was laid to rest draped with that flag it would be a slap in the face to the memory of all of those who died defending her both black and white. think what you will of the stars and bars but her legacy is woven through the fabric of this nation as intricately as the stars and stripes. I as many do consider both of them to be my flag and would defend either one. you don't have to look any further then classic TV sitcom like the Dukes of Hazzard and that legendary Dodge Charger the General Lee that proudly displays the stars and bars to realize how proud the south is of that old flag and I imagine that she will still fly proudly long after Mitt Romney has been laid to rest. long live America and yes long live the Confederacy!
Sunday, June 21, 2015
The 2016 presidential election and Hispanic America the 800-pound elephant in the room!
Hispanics have been a solid voting block for the Democrats in past elections, can Republicans finally break through to the Hispanic community in the 2016 presidential election? If not it's not for the lack of heavy hitters from within their own community. Texas senator Ted Cruz although born Canadian is of Cuban descent and is the first Hispanic or Cuban to serve as a United States Senator and serving along with Ted Cruz in the United States Senate is Florida Senator Marco Rubio also Cuban and one of only three Latinos counting himself and Cruz to ever serve in the United States Senate and then there's Jeb Bush who In speaking engagements often identifies himself as Hispanic, although that's a stretch his wife Columba is Mexican born and their three children are half Mexican and last but not least is Dr Ben Carson although African American is the only Republican candidate in the field that took time to speak to (NALEO) the largest Latino policy-making organization in the nation and now my take on this. I think many Republican candidates have shied away from the Hispanic community thinking it is a lost cause because of their stance on immigration I think that's a mistake in a recent nationwide poll of Hispanics and Latinos immigration policy came in 6 of issues most important to them, education the economy, Healthcare national defense all came in well ahead of immigration. I guess what I'm trying to say is when it comes down to it on family values religion a strong work ethic the Hispanic community aligns better with conservatives then with the Liberals the Hispanic community is being used by Liberal Democrats to forward their agenda of turning this nation into a socialist country which I don't think the Latinos want anymore then us conservatives do. liberals don't want to fix the immigration policy they want it to be chaos so that they can pretend to be in the Hispanics corner the same way they have done African Americans for years now with socialized welfare programs manipulating the system to keep them dependent on government programs while at the same time making sure they never get ahead. I hope Hispanics wake up and don't fall for the trap of going down that path, it leads to nowhere and could not be further away from the American dream. it is time to stand together black white brown and say no this is the land of opportunity if you want socialism go to Europe not here not in our America!
Friday, April 10, 2015
The Golden Rule
I look at our world today quite possibly the only refuge of life in our corner of the galaxy and I see a broken orb crawling with lost souls and I can't help contemplate how different it could have been if we only could have followed the golden rule "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" it sounds so simple but since the dawn of man we have been unable to achieve that loftiest of all goals and now we find ourselves in a world we're doubt and mistrust has insinuated itself into even the most basic of relationships those between a man and a woman families and friends it is even spilled over to where the great nations of the world that we have built looks at each other with suspicion and animosity for all the great accomplishments and achievements that we as men have built we struggle with that which should be the simplest showing love caring and compassion for others why is that so hard? Are we destined to destroy ourselves, maybe man was not made to take the easy path, after all we was cast out of the garden and set free to fend for ourselves and we honed our predatory and scavenger instincts to a fine art, it makes me wonder what keeps our Creator from cutting the tethers that binds this world to the next and setting us adrift in the cold darkness of the universe is beyond me for im not sure there's much left to save if you look at the hearts of man, I look at where our kind is headed and back from which we came and can't help wondering if we're headed the right direction, I guess that's called longing for a simpler times, but I know we must forge on what lies ahead only he knows, I put it in his hands!